
September 4, 2011

8/15 - To Rochester, MN

After an exercise fetch session with my dog at Cabela's in Mitchell, SD, we drove at 65mph on the freeway to get to Rochester when I said I would. Once I hit the last town in SD, Brandon, suddenly my phone got signal and grabbed all the email its been missing. My USB connector for it seems to not make a connection to charge it so there's another thing gone wrong. It was a long drive of SD grassland changing to MN farmland and tons of corn. In places, the incredibly dark rich soil of southern MN is revealed. Its no wonder that it is farming country despite the harsh winters with that soil. I got to my internet friend's house where his wife saw me and greeted me nicely. Their neighbor is gone for many months at a time so they invited me to camp in the driveway - nice and level with electricity and water. We had a lovely visit and dinner at a new Greek restaurant that their favorite Mexican cook just opened – Opa Opa. It was truly delicious. The owner is a Mexican complete with strong accent who learned to cook in a Greek restaurant but has a Mexican restaurant next door. Funny juxtaposition but the food was great.

Route: I90E – US63N to Rochester, MN

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