
April 26, 2013

Getting Ready for Sprinterfest

I had a lot of fun and learned some interesting things last year, so we are going again this year.  The location is very easy for me - only about 90 miles away.  Unlike last year, the weather will be really nice in the upper 60s or low 70s.  Last year was chilly.  I'm going to keep the dog on a tether so she can't go crazy getting people to throw toys for her.  This is where she got the bad elbow sprain last year because she doesn't have the sense to stop.  She still thinks she's superdog at 3 years old.

Getting the van ready to camp just for a weekend is still quite a bit of work after the winter.  There's the cleaning and finding the hiding places of the stink bugs we now have to contend with here in the Middle Atlantic states.  They also like to poop their bug poop making dark brown spots to clean.  I got the spice/towel rack mounted on the back splash.

Then there is sanitizing the water system.  Every time I think I can get away with not, I remember how water left standing leaves a film of bacterial growth - yuck.  It might not be all that dangerous but it is distinctly unpleasant.  I filter the cooking and drinking water with my Berkey filter so that is safe, but, slimy water is nasty and even dried up stuff will grow faster once water is back in the tank.  Sanitizing the tank is, in theory, pretty easy.  In reality it is a bit of a PITA. I just pour some Clorox into the fresh water hose (end unconnected so air can be displaced), connect the hose to the water inlet and the faucet, then fill the water tank.  I let it sit overnight, altho 4 hours would probably be plenty of time to kill the bacteria. Then I run the water into the pipes and let it sit for 4 hours or more while I rinse the tank.  It is the rinsing the tank that is the PITA.  Takes about 6 times to get the smell out.  When I think it is done, I pour some baking soda into the hose and fill it a last time, letting the soda water sit for an hour or so before the final rinse and then I can fill the tank with water.  To rinse the pipes, I turn it to city water and let it flush the pipes.  My van has to have water pressure to fill the tank, so I must put any additives into the water fill hose.

Then there is the finding things that are broken. This year, the hose cap for the shower is broken and I know I had another one but darned if I can find it.  My new kitchen faucet does not leak at all, so that is good.  The caulk around the sink started splitting so I had to dig out the old (A PITA), clean it with alcohol, and put in new.  I used the same clear silicon I used for the new back splash.  I got a table to put over my passenger seat (the dog does not get to ride there) for easy access from the drivers seat for this and that.  It took a fair amount of jiggling it to get it solid and in place with the sloping floor.  I used some angled wood blocks taped to the legs and small bungee cords attached to the floor and glove box to get it solid.  I also spray painted it with the bronze paint just so it matches.

And finally, my van sliding door is not opening from the inside again - seems to be a yearly problem - and my bath door is splitting from the top joint.  It's always something.  I'll help the door by drilling a long hole, glue onto the split, and a 3" screw into the joint.  I've had to do that with a few other doors as well.  It seems these are not all that strong.  An access door in the rear under seat also had splits, so I did that one too.

Make the bed, add clothes and towels. Load up the pet food/water
 and leashes along with some cream and coffee and then we are off!


  1. Have tons of fun Mary! I'm excited for you -- sounds like it'll be a really nice trip - especially with good weather! Like your ideas in the rig. Looks really good.

  2. I really like your Class B. The table idea is cool.

    1. Thanks. I have to give credit to Carolyn ( for the table idea.


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